Thursday, January 7, 2010

Are you ready?

I am one who is particularly motivated by things or people that surround me. Whether it be a preacher, a friend, a song, or a verse in the bible I am always taken back by how I can apply them to my life. As I wrote before I am reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan and a moment ago wrapped up the second chapter of this already life altering book. I say life altering very sensitively because as I'm sure many of you can get struck by something but not always do we follow through or live it out. Are you ready? is something Chan asks his readers and I ask myself the same. Am I ready or prepared to meet my God and savior in heaven? Have I made my mark on this world the way God would have wanted me to? I know that there are days in which I wake up and say to myself ... today is the day I am going to display God through every action, word, etc but do I really follow through with it. Am I making God proud as his daughter? I cannot say that I am but what I can say is that there is ALWAYS something YOU can do about it. My life isn't over yet, I am still alive and breathing at this very moment which in turn allows me the opportunity to make this difference I feel God wants me to make. I can sit here and think of a million things I want 2010 to be about. I can be selfish and provide a list of new year resolutions that will help me in what I think is important like self image or wealth but not this time, not this year. This year I want to make a difference ... a difference in the life of others. I want to make a resolution to God, the only one who matters. I will end with this verse in Matthew 10:32-33 that states "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven." If I died at this very moment I want the next moment of my life to be Jesus saying "Father, this is who Amy Thomas is."

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